Capitals of Eastern Europe

  • From £5,545
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  • 17 Days
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  • 12 Guided Tours
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  • 7 Countries

Donji Milanovac, Serbia

A gateway to the Djerdap National Park and home to an 8,000-year-old Mesolithic archaeological site, Donji Milanovac is one of Serbia’s hidden treasures. The Djerdap National Park stretches out along the Danube River and is famous for its sweeping views of the Iron Gate gorge, within which lies Lepenski Vir, one of the most important archaeological sites in Serbia and the oldest planned settlement in Europe. The site was discovered in 1960, unveiling several pristine sculptures representing human figures as well as tools made of bones and stones, and settlement ruins.

Scenic Sailing: The Iron Gate

Sail through one of Europe’s most dramatic natural wonders, the picturesque stretch famously known as the Iron Gate. Meander through narrow gorges that slice through the Carpathian Mountains to the north and the Balkan Mountains to the south, and marvel at the towering white limestone cliffs draped with forest. Be on the lookout for ancient remains upon the dramatic walls. On the Serbian side, Trajan’s Tablet was laid to mark the construction of a Roman military road; on the Romanian side, marvel at the enormous rock sculpture of Dacian king Decebalus.